Linux Player - Technology Preview 0.5-alpha

Today we're making available another preview of the forthcoming Player for Linux.

This new version supports connecting to CMS instances over http or https, and to CMS instances that run inside sub directories, or on custom ports. It also supports legacy XMDS file downloads so no special configuration of the CMS File Download Mode is required.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

CMS 1.8.12
Client Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

(gst-plugin-scanner:7896): GStreamer-WARNING **: 22:18:35.333: Failed to load plugin ‘/snap/xibo-player-test/59/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/’: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

(gst-plugin-scanner:7896): GStreamer-WARNING **: 22:18:36.792: Failed to load plugin ‘/snap/xibo-player-test/59/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/’: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[22:18:37.197] [debug]: Collection started
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘UriParseError’
what(): Uri is not valid
Aborted (core dumped)

Previous tests on same PC:
0.3.3 Ok but video files very slow
0.4 Ok but video files not played

Hi Xibo Team,

Everything seems okay except Below point:-

  1. When we launch xibo-player-test it doesn’t open in full screen, it opens in half of screen and every time we have to drag it to full screen using mouse.
  2. Auto Update is not happening.

Rest of things ( Images/Videos/Web pages rendering ) okay.


Thanks for your message.

It isn’t supposed to be running full screen at this stage.

Auto updates rely on snap. I believe it refreshes packages once a day, so I expect you manually upgraded before it had had a chance to do so.

What are you passing in as the URL. The error suggests you aren’t passing in a valid URL.

Right about URL.

About video files, they are played with this version !

But some times, the client fails and stops :

[02:47:38.479] [debug]: Collection started
[02:47:38.950] [debug]: Display is active and ready to start.
[02:47:38.950] [debug]: Collection interval updated. Old: 5, New: 60
[02:47:40.257] [debug]: 20 files and 0 resources to download
[02:47:40.737] [debug]: [4.xlf] Downloaded
[02:47:43.426] [debug]: [19.mp4] Downloaded
[02:47:43.428] [debug]: Received collection result
[02:47:43.428] [debug]: Log level updated

(player:5591): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: 02:47:43.486: gst_tag_list_get_scope: assertion ‘GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list)’ failed

(player:5591): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: 02:47:43.487: gst_tag_list_insert: assertion ‘GST_IS_TAG_LIST (into)’ failed

(player:5591): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: 02:47:43.683: gst_tag_list_get_scope: assertion ‘GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list)’ failed

(player:5591): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: 02:47:43.683: gst_tag_list_insert: assertion ‘GST_IS_TAG_LIST (into)’ failed

(player:5591): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: 02:47:53.683: gst_tag_list_get_scope: assertion ‘GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list)’ failed

(player:5591): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: 02:47:53.684: gst_tag_list_insert: assertion ‘GST_IS_TAG_LIST (into)’ failed

(player:5591): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: 02:47:53.850: gst_tag_list_get_scope: assertion ‘GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list)’ failed

(player:5591): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: 02:47:53.850: gst_tag_list_insert: assertion ‘GST_IS_TAG_LIST (into)’ failed

(player:5591): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 02:47:54.014: gtk_widget_queue_draw: assertion ‘GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)’ failed

(player:5591): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 02:47:54.015: gtk_widget_queue_draw: assertion ‘GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)’ failed

(player:5591): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 02:47:54.015: gtk_widget_queue_draw: assertion ‘GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)’ failed

(player:5591): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 02:47:54.015: gtk_widget_queue_draw: assertion ‘GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)’ failed

(player:5591): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 02:47:54.016: gtk_widget_queue_draw: assertion ‘GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)’ failed

(player:5591): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 02:47:54.016: gtk_widget_queue_draw: assertion ‘GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)’ failed

(player:5591): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 02:47:54.016: gtk_widget_queue_draw: assertion ‘GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)’ failed

(player:5591): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 02:47:54.016: gtk_widget_queue_draw: assertion ‘GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)’ failed

(player:5591): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 02:47:54.016: gtk_widget_queue_draw: assertion ‘GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)’ failed

(player:5591): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 02:47:54.017: gtk_widget_queue_draw: assertion ‘GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)’ failed
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Is it a specific layout that causes that?

A layout with 1 video file.
I tried to put 2 files. The loop is playing correctly 2 or 3 times then it crashes.

Do other layouts cause it, or just that one?

Every layouts containing video files, with or without other type of contents.
When I retire video files, layouts are looping correctly.

OK. Can you please send me one of the layouts that cause this issue for you and I will test it here. You can upload it to a service like Dropbox or Google Drive and PM me the link please.

I’ve got that running here now. It hasn’t crashed yet, but I’ll let it run for a while and see.

I need to test other hardware as well. Let’s see…

Sure. It’s still working fine with your layout here.

It worked correctly a full night with another hardware.

Hello, cold you help me?
I used the same key and sdress of the windows client and i am trying to use the snap in ubuntu, but not work…

paulo@paulo-Lenovo-3000:~$ snap run xibo-player-test --host --server-key ghtdEdrDwfE$rf$$gtESFJbgv --hardware-key paulo[11:15:43.968] [debug]: Collection started
[11:15:44.853] [debug]: Collection interval error: [SOAP] The Server key you entered does not match with the server key at this address
[11:15:44.963] [error]: Player failed to start: /home/paulo/resources/0.xlf: cannot open file
[11:15:49.758] [debug]: Collection started
[11:15:50.285] [debug]: Collection finished 140507173333760
[11:15:50.285] [debug]: Next collection will start in 5 seconds
[11:15:50.285] [debug]: Collection interval error: [SOAP] The Server key you entered does not match with the server key at this address
[11:15:55.750] [debug]: Collection started
[11:15:56.214] [debug]: Collection finished 140507173333760
[11:15:56.214] [debug]: Next collection will start in 5 seconds
[11:15:56.214] [debug]: Collection interval error: [SOAP] The Server key you entered does not match with the server key at this address

Your CMS is incorrectly installed. You should not have “web” in the URL. Please revisit the installation guide and resolve that.

That aside, your server key probably needs to go in quote marks as it contains special characters.


I keep getting a cert error; however, I know my cert is good. Connecting from a Windows or Android client works fine, and the web client shows the cert is good. Can anyone help me with these errors?

I keep getting a cert error even though I can connect to
snap run xibo-player-test --host --server-key serverkeyhere --hardware-key aiciwm-ajndiwn-djivwe
[10:15:35.291] [debug]: Collection started
[10:15:35.312] [debug]: Collection interval error: [HTTP] certificate verify failed
[10:15:35.312] [error]: Player failed to start: /home/display/resources/0.xlf: cannot open file
[10:15:40.726] [debug]: Collection started
[10:15:40.740] [debug]: Collection finished 140538446330624
[10:15:40.740] [debug]: Next collection will start in 5 seconds
[10:15:40.740] [debug]: Collection interval error: [HTTP] certificate verify failed
[10:15:45.726] [debug]: Collection started
[10:15:45.739] [debug]: Collection finished 140538446330624
[10:15:45.739] [debug]: Next collection will start in 5 seconds
[10:15:45.739] [debug]: Collection interval error: [HTTP] certificate verify failed
[10:15:50.726] [debug]: Collection started
[10:15:50.740] [debug]: Collection finished 140538446330624
[10:15:50.740] [debug]: Next collection will start in 5 seconds
[10:15:50.740] [debug]: Collection interval error: [HTTP] certificate verify failed
[10:15:55.726] [debug]: Collection started
[10:15:55.738] [debug]: Collection finished 140538446330624
[10:15:55.738] [debug]: Next collection will start in 5 seconds
[10:15:55.738] [debug]: Collection interval error: [HTTP] certificate verify failed

What kind of certificate is it?

If the server is accessible from the internet, run it through Quallys SSL test and check for any certificate chain issues:


It’s a good cert. Not sure how xibo player is trying to verify it that it’s failing.