Linux player status

As the last news about the Linux player was July 2023, it might be time to hear a little more about what the plans are. The player itself is even older than that, and although it works with the latest version of the CMS, not everything is as it should be.

Linux is an important OS as there are a lot of potential players appearing every day. Some of the biggest distros should be interesting to look at, like Ubuntu/Debian. Ideally, it should be as easy as running
sudo apt install xibo-player :slight_smile:

If I understood it correct, it shoud be possible to set up some kind of recipe in github to export to a repository for Ubuntu/Debian.

What programming language is used for Xibo CMS and player? I did betatesting of Skype for Linux, and I understood that they used Qt to be able to output Skype for different platforms with very little extra work.


The last version of Xibo Linux Player is 1.8… Really old.
To be on an Ubuntu/Debian repository (APT repository), you need to request it.
I don’t think this is possible from github. Packages are checked.

Is there any initiative to update the player to Xibo v4?

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I think you mistake setting up a repository with being in the official repository.
Anyone can set up a private repository and anyone else can add it to the list of repositories the want to use.
By doing it this way, the program is checked for dependencies so all is ok for the user.

Using Linux as OS cuts the cost of the player considerable.

Not to mention remote managing linux machines is a breeze compared to windows. Would be interested in seeing a new version release to get on parity with V4. Any plans @DanBW?

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Hi all,

You’re right we do owe another update on our progress with this - I will update the Linux player status and plans topic shortly.

Short answer though is that we’re working on it and hope to have something available for early testing in August.



A bit rude…

If you have read the article, you could have known that there is almost no support for this. Also they have given a link with a roadmap.

YES linux is working with the old CMS.

You could re-use your mini-pc with windows and install Windows Xibo version??

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