Liberar espaço para arquivos no player

Boa noite,

O espaço do disco do meu player acabou e gostaria de saber como faço para que ele seja limpo de período em período ou se é possível apagar remotamente alguns arquivos para liberar espaço.

plataforma linux


With your Player stopped, you can delete files from the library directory you have configured (which is likely to be in your ~/snap/xibo-player/common/resources directory). Once deleted, restart the Player and edit the corresponding display in the CMS and click to Save but making no changes. This will clear the cache out and will allow all files to be downloaded to the Player, if needed again.

If however, you are sending more media than there is disk space you will find yourself in the same position, in which case you will need more storage in the device or to send less content.

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