LED board layout for text ón Android

I’m trying to make a layout for LED-board 256x44 pixels.
This is placed upper left corner on 1920x1080 layout that is the same as detected on Android client from the send-card.
Is there a way to get the small part presented full with for editing.
Right now it works but it is hard to see the small part.

There is only 2 rows text we work with.

In another cms we have used layout in a layout.

You should create a new resolution with the desired pixels. In your layout where you are working with, choose the resolution.

Do you mean the LED-board is already on the 1920x1080 or is this a separate display?

I have tried to shrink the layout but it scales up in Android box. Which gives to large text.
Only seems to work when layout is 1920x1080.
I have made a text region 256x44 that shows correct but is to small when editing.

If I’ve understood you correctly, I think the best you’ll get is using the ‘Full screen’ button to get this. There is no zoom to view layout in more detail.

As I understand in this case it would be perfect to have a preset layout scaling for the layout. In order to show AOI (area of interrest).
Otherwise it works fine in production in every way. So similair project will suffer with this problem. Layout screnshot should be scaled likewise.

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