Kiosk mode with windows 10

Hi There,
is anybody use the windows kiosk mode with xibo ?
The actual issue is that the xibo player app is not listed to be assigned for kiosk mode.
Any idear or feedback ?

Best regards,

Hi there,
Is there someone know why we don’t have Xiboapp windows player in the app list to be assign to the kiosk user mode under windows 10 ?
best regards,

If you’re using windows enterprise, or iot enterprise. You can use psexec from pstools in sysinternals.

say the file (code below) is called C:\kioskmode\enablexibo.ps1

psexec -i -s powershell.exe C:\kioskmode\enablexibo.ps1
net localgroup Administrators kioskuser0 /add
shutdown -r -f -t 0

When you reboot, windows will login as kiosk user and xibo will run. If it crashes it autostarts again. If you need to make any changes, or need to launch any other applications, logout of that user and sign in as the normal user.

I recommend placing the xibo library in the root of your system drive to ensure that the library and configuration files are available to the kioskuser

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