ISSUES with new versions of Xibo

Fatal Error - sorry this shouldn’t happen.
SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo for cms-db failed: Name or service not known

I have tried to switch to the newest xibo but every version i have tried had issues right out of the box.

Either i cannot log in after install with an error saying i need to wait because the service is down…or library folder not writable, or if i can login the error is that i cannot start a new layout or import due to library folder not writable…and this error, you can give all write access to the whole xibo docker root but still …

i tested versions 4.2.0 down to version 3.3.11 and so on. …when i use external / remote MYSQL it works but then i cannot get RSS FEED to show anything…it might show something in the CMS part but not in the player. RSS edit mode from older xibo version were much simple and effective. now the editor is next to useless…

now this error: Fatal Error - sorry this shouldn’t happen.
SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo for cms-db failed: Name or service not known is what i am getting from any of the v4.x.x using the built-in mysql. if i use a remote mysql, i am able to login but then many issues…i import layout from v2 aka 2.3.17 and then i lose the RSS feed part because the editor in v4 is not friendly simple. i have to convert that whole widget into a playlist before i can get the rss feed to show text in cms part ( it doesnt show image that i have manually set). i publish the layout and still RSS feed widget box is blank using the right v4 player.

i really love xibo v2.317. it is more easy and simple, fast to deploy. only draw back is that it has reached it EOL and missing 1 or 2 features. i wasn’t aware 2.3.17 had ability to create and use playlist which very important tool that i see mentioned in latest version so now i will keep v2 and since v2 player will run okay in windows 10 i will skip v3 and v4s

TIPS: those of youhaving the LIBRARY FOLDER IS NOT WRITABLE error when you try to upload content / files, just navigate to settings of the cms and in the libriray root folder field, put a folder name along with shared…so it should be shared/you-storage-folder-name example; shared/images…putting anything else will give you the same folder not write error and nothing you can do with file/folder permission to fix…/share/images wont work…it must be shared/images or shared/files

there is also an issue when you first open the add layout…telling you to adjust your resolution to something else …that can prevent you from logging in or prevent you from being able to enter layout section

XIBO still the best out there. just that, every new step doesnt work right out of the box…and it seems to be getting more complicated CMS than needed.

so after days of experimenting and looking for the cause…i found out i had to add MYSWL_USER=cms and MYSQL_DATAEBASE=cms or whatever name you put in the docker-compose.yml side …now the error:

Fatal Error - sorry this shouldn’t happen.
SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo for cms-db failed: Name or service not known is gone, i am able to log in v4.1.2

Content editing works best with a higher resolution

Please resize your window to at least 1200 pixels by 600 pixels, or reduce your zoom level, for the best experience

what is this?..i am using a 32 inch monitor at 1920x1080 :roll_eyes: i get that message when i clicked on add new template

edit:…i added to config.env with the database_password