Is there an option to pass an argument to an command from user side?

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Version 4.0.6

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Is there an option to pass an argument to an command from user side?

I want this to run at different times through the day.

command.exe {argument}
Argument can differ about aprox. 150 different values.

I can schedule the command in the calender and choose my command, but i need a possibility to pass the argument which is different every time.

12:00 → command.exe 5
22:00 → command.exe 47

So i could theoretically add for every argument an own command which is selectable, but i would flood the command tab with hundreds of commands, and the drop down list in the scheduling of the calender would be not that great at least.

I Read about Command Helpers, but there is not any documentation about that. If there is please point me to it.
Any ideas how to handle that ?


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