Invalid configuration option - 4.0.0-beta


I have facing problem after Authorize Windows Client, here is the error:

Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [collectInterval]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [downloadStartWindow]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [downloadEndWindow]
Unable to set dayPartId with value 
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [xmrNetworkAddress]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [statsEnabled]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [aggregationLevel]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [powerpointEnabled]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [sizeX]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [sizeY]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [offsetX]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [offsetY]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [clientInfomationCtrlKey]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [clientInformationKeyCode]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [logLevel]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [logToDiskLocation]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [showInTaskbar]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [cursorStartPosition]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [doubleBuffering]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [emptyLayoutDuration]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [enableMouse]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [enableShellCommands]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [expireModifiedLayouts]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [maxConcurrentDownloads]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [shellCommandAllowList]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [sendCurrentLayoutAsStatusUpdate]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [screenShotRequestInterval]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [screenShotSize]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [maxLogFileUploads]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [embeddedServerPort]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [preventSleep]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [forceHttps]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [authServerWhitelist]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [edgeBrowserWhitelist]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [embeddedServerAllowWan]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [isRecordGeoLocationOnProofOfPlay]
Invalid Configuration Option from CMS [DisplayTimeZone]

Anyone can tell me where is the problem, for additional information:
PHP Version: 8.2.4
Xibo Version: 4.0.0-beta

Hi and welcome!

Please can you tell me which Player MSI you are using for your test?

Hi Dan,

Thank you for your response, I have check the i had run the old version, have install 2 version in one pc. I try in the last version now the error was gone,
Now I am facing issue the media not show in client but working properly in preview.

Best Regards,
Ahmad Rifai

Excellent, I am pleased you have connected the player successfully.

As this is a beta please can you give us some more information about what is wrong - screenshots of the client information window, the layout you’re trying to show and the output on the player.


Hi Dan,

I have sucessfully show the content from cms to client, issue the layout need to publish first, “because I am use a playlist, the playlist cannot publish if resolution bigger than screen resolution”, I need resize the photo manually.

The new problem is happen, How to fix font.css still downloading files, i have wait 1 hour but still never completed. As capture below.

Have you seen Xibo can resize images automatically for you? Resizing Images | Xibo Digital Signage

Do you have any errors recorded in your logs for that player?

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