Install Xibo Client on Raspberry Pi 2 Model B

I have a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B and if possible wanted to know how to install Xibo Client on Raspberry Pi 2 (I need a good tutorial), because I followed several tutorials but none have worked for me (problems with chromium and berkelium).
I’m spanish and I understand a little English.
Thank to all.

Hello ivan, how are you?

See you this topic?

Enviado do meu iPhone

Hello, have you got resolve your problem ? If you want i have an image of Xibo on raspberry pi 2

Hi, can you share the image for Xibo on raspberry pi2 ?



The link is alway ok :

You must log in in ssh (user : pi password : raspberry) and make an apt-get update and upgrade however keyboard and mouse doesn’t work.

there is a xiboclient and a xiboserver.
For login on it : with credential : xibo_admin and the password : xibo

Just so there’s no question of the licence terms being broken here, where is the source code that you’ve built the Player from please - including your modifications to get it to build? @fmousserin