Install XIBO 1.8.5 on CentOS 7 using Docker

Hi guys,
i’ve setup a local CentOs 7 Server.

Installed Docker version is 17.11.0-ce, build 1caf76c.

Also a httpd is installed at port 81 for phpMyAdmin access.

Xibo should use an external Mysql DB. Setup config.env with the config.env.template-remote-mysql and all required informations but there exist no tables in the db.

The cmd was docker-compose -f cms_remote-mysql.yml up -d install is done… but i can’t access the web-interface. Port 80 isn’t used.

Hope you can help me, thx for reply.

Have you had a chance to look here Xibo Docker with an external database
do you have that definitely correctly configured and started?

i only started the machine with the -f cms_remote_mysql.yml command.
would check if it works with your linked tutorial thx.

In remote MySQL mode, Xibo wont (and indeed can’t) create the database for you.

It expects you to have created an empty database for its use, and granted the user you’ve specified full permissions on that database.