Install on 2012R2 using iis

I have run through the install document for iis. When I launch xibo for the first time all checks are ok except the File System Permissions. The message is: Write access required for settings.php and install.php.

I have installed xibo 1.7.5.

I looked through the posts and it seems there needs to be a permission for the account running iis, I am weak on the iis side and was hoping someone could help me check exactly what I need to check.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you

Maybe this post: Pre requisite issue - file system permissions

Updating this so others that run into this issue - it may help.

I was able to figure out that at least on my system - the local account IUSR was the account trying to create the two files.

I updated the permissions on the xibo folder so that local IUSR has full access and it was able to write the files.

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