Install on 2008 Server

I’m having a problem installing Xibo on 2008 Server. I’ve got apache, PHP, and MySQL installed, but Xibo is still indicating that services aren’t enabled, when they actually are. Here is a list of the services failing:

MySQL database (PHP MySql) x MySQL support must be enabled in PHP.
MySQL database (PDO MySql) x PDO support with MySQL drivers must be enabled in PHP.
SOAP Extension x PHP SOAP extension required to function.
GD Extension x PHP GD extension to function.
Fileinfo x Requires PHP FileInfo support to function. If you are on windows…
Gettext x PHP Gettext support to function.
cURL x cURL is used to fetch data from the Internet or Local Network as…

I’ve gone through my PHP.INI file, and have uncommented the following items:


I’ve restarted Apache by restarting the Apache2.4 Service… Am I missing something?

I got it to work. I examined the error logs on the Apache server, and noticed none of the extensions were loading. I ended up using a fully qualified path in the extension_dir in the PHP.INI file, and that fixed the problem.