‘Image Scaling Mode’ for pictures in the Layout Area: Fit or fill


Instead of having images scaled and distorted, there could be an option to fill the layout area by scaling and keeping its aspect ratio. So then there would be three options:

  • Fit to Fill: The media fills up the entire layer without keeping its aspect ratio (the media might be distorted).
  • Keep: The media fills up the layer partially while keeping its aspect ratio (the media is zoomed until one of the dimensions touches the border of the layer).
  • Scale to Fill: The media fills up the entire layer while keeping its aspect ratio (the media is zoomed until it fills up the entire layer, but some parts of it might be cut).

And what would be really cool: have a ‘generall setting’ for this. Because when I use a dynamic playlist, I can’t set these pictures one by one (or I haven’t found it).