I can not see embedded code on windows client


I am using a code from a 3rd party. And i paste it in the html area, also i got a code with script for the head area. I did put it in there. When i view the layout example then it shows everything.

But when I will it show on the windows client it shows nothing.

Sorry for my bad english.


Could you please send me the code via private message so I can try it?

It would be also good to confirm what CMS and player version are you using and perhaps double check registry entries for browser emulation.

Hi Peter,

i’m having the same problem and use the latest 1.7.9 Version.

When i try it with the client the browser gives me the error that the navigation to the webpage was cancelled.
In the Layout preview and in the Layout design itself everything works great.

I already tried the following steps.

  1. Change Permission of trustable sites

  2. Change registry as mentioned here:
    Enabling HTML5 in the Windows .net Player

I’m running my client on a win10 32 bit version.

I sent you the code i embedded in the html par in a private message.

Thansk for your help and regards,

<script type="text/javascript"
<div id="bfv1487510277597">Laden...</div>
BFVWidget.HTML5.zeigeWettbewerbsTabelle("01S9DH1780000000VS54898DVU4RL8AK-G", "bfv1487510277597", { height: "650",  width: "400" , teamPermanentId: "016PCBV8M8000000VV0AG80NVV8OQVTB", colorResults: "undefined" , colorNav: "undefined" , colorClubName : "rgb(2,133,113)" , backgroundNav: "rgb(2,133,113)"});

Hello Peter,

Here is the code. I running my client on windows 10 64 bit. I have the 1.7.4 version.

The code is about a schedule from the Dutch soccer foundation KNVB.

<!-- Paste this where you want the article to appear --> 
	data-format-wedstrijddatum="D MMMM YYYY"

<!-- This should be pasted once in the <head> for the best performance. If you already have jQuery included skip that script --> 
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> 
<script src="https://dexels.github.io/navajofeeds-json-parser/js/dist/feed-0.0.1.js"></script> 
	clientId: "VuqFXvRuda" 

Greetings Berry