Howto Rollback to 3.3.6

Hi, today I upgradet to Xibo 4.02 by using standard Upgrade to latest.
But many things are not working anymore. I had embedded weather widget which is not showing up anyhow it ist correctly configured.
An really, I dont understand how to work with xibo 4 in the layout regions.
I just tryed to configure a simple digital clock but I did not manage it. :frowning:

Is there a way to rollback to my old version 3.3.6
of couse I did a backup.

Please help!


How you rollback depends on how you did your backup and what installation method you used. If you’re using Docker just copy in your old shared folders and old docker-compose files and then down / up the containers.

Can you share it with us so we can try to fix it?

What are you finding difficult? You click on the clock in the toolbox and drag it anywhere you want on the layout.

Hi Dan,
thank you for your answer.
I did this:
cd /opt/xibo
docker-compose stop
cd /opt
cp -rp xibo xibo-3.3.4-backup
cd /opt/xibo
wget -O xibo-docker.tar.gz
tar --strip-components=1 -zxvf xibo-docker.tar.gz
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose start

Do I have just to delete the new xibo folder and exchange it with the backup xibo folder?

The weather widget:
It was working very well with 3.3.4 it is just a div but does not work with 4.02

div id="idxxxxxxxxxxx" a='{"t":"s","v":"1.2","lang":"de","locs":[ ],"ssot":"c","sics":"ds","cbkg":"#536885",
  "cfnt":"#fff","slgp":14,"sdr":"rr","slis":145,"slpd":20,"slbr":0,"slfs":60}'><ahref ="">
  HTML Wetter Widget für Homepage</a> von</div><script async 

And the Clock:
It is kind of laggy in use. after all I managed to get it running. but everything is very slow compared to 3.3.4

Al is running on Ubuntu 18.04 server

thank you.

Hi Dan,
for the weather widget I found out:
The embeded code was in the wrong field after the upgrade to 4.02
Now I put the code into the HTML-Box and it is working.

But what I am missing is a kind of save button.
If I change the code in an existing embeded widget, the change does not show up.
After refresh it is the former code again.
Only if I delete the region an put a now one I am able to past new code in it.

I am trying to rollback to 3.3.4 by veeam now.

Best regards.


As I see now, in 3.3.6 there is a “save” Button in the regions part. And if I klick on a region, it opens in a Window in the center.
In 4.02 I had no save button and if I klicked on a region it did not show in a window in the center. So for me 3.3.6 is better workflow.
Maybe my 4.02 Installation was not running correctly.
I will install a new server with the 4.02 and I will see.

thank you.


The layout editor in v4 autosaves when you make changes, so you make a change in a field, click into the next field and your change is automatically saved for you. No need to click a save button.

If there is something wrong with the value in the field, you see a red error message at the bottom - perhaps that is what is happening for you?

Ah right - v4 is more strict about what you put in which field, so that we can make sure we send the right data to the players and reduce hard to spot errors. I understand why this might be frustrating.

So you’re saying that you prefer to have a single region at a time for editing? Even if that means you can’t see the rest of the layout?

Yes, restore the old folder, as described here: Upgrade Xibo for Docker Install | Xibo Digital Signage

Hi Dan,
in my Installation the autosave did not work. I changed some items and after coming back to the field, the changes where gone.

And yes, I prefer to see one region at a time and to have a save button to make sure it is saved.

After I roled back to 3.3.6 Everything is fine. I leave this as productive system.
Now I do a fresh installation on a second ubuntu server to check out Xibo 4 as a test enviroment.

Thank you again for your help.


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Hi Dan, I have now a running test server with 4.03.
and there is only one small problem left with my weather widget, which is embeded code and woks under Xibo 3.8 fine but not under xibo 4. There is only one thing makin problems this is the Tag: [1630] which is the key to our location. Xibo 4 says that “your libary referenz 1630 does not exist.” If I delete the numbers like [ ] the widget works but with wrong weather data like temperature and cloud Icons.
Any Idea?
Here the code:

<div id="id3c38c6f338204" 
<a href="öln/30_tage/">wetter Köln 30 tage</a></div><script async 

Thank you, Udo

Hey - thanks for reporting this, we have an open issue for it here:

Xibo Version 4.04 fixed it. Now it is again possible put the code as head content. The widget is working perfect now like it did in Version 3.

Thank you!

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