How to show 30 seconds layout each 10 minutes

To be completed by the original poster:

CMS Version


Player Type


Player Version

V4 R402


Hello! i’m learning to use this your amazing digital signage system.
In my lot of tests, i have a little difficult, i cannot understand…

CMS (under docker) and Windows players have latest versions.

For this example, i have 2 layouts:

  • Layout #1: Duration: 2 or 4 hours, With a lot of playlist. This layout is for play 24/7.
  • Layout #2: Duration: 30s, With a website loader, i need show webpage for ONLY FOR 30 seconds each 10 minutes, for weather in this example.

Then, think i must have 2 schedules:

  • Schedule #1:
    Name: All time layer, 24/7 forever
    Event type: Layout
    Display: Group all displays
    Dayparting: ¿Always?
    Layout: Layout #1
    Priority: 1
    Maximum per hour: 0

  • Schedule #2:
    Name: Miscelaneous info for 30 seconds each 10 minutes, forever.
    Event type: Layout
    Display: Group all displays
    Dayparting: ¿Custom?
    Start time: 2024-04-04 00:00 (ok, from today!)
    End time: ¿2024-04-04? ¿00:05? (i’ve confused with this)
    - Really i don’t want expire never but ok, end time is needed…
    - But if is required, only can sum or decrease minutes for ¿5 in 5? i don’t understanding…
    Layout: Layout #2
    Priority: 2
    Maximum per hour: 0
    Repeats: Per Minute
    Every: 10 Minute
    Until: Empty

With this configuration, Layout #2 is repeating in loop for 5 minutes each 10 minutes, i think this is wrong way, ¿How i doing bad?

Try with widget duration like this:

Possibly I have explained myself wrong.
Widget suration is 30 seconds correctly, my problem is including it in playback, Schedule #2 has:
Start time: 2024-04-04 00:00 (ok, from today!)
End time: 2024-04-04? 00:05? (i’ve feel confused with this)
And in “repeat tab” every 10 minutes, ok, then this schedule time is 5 minutes!, for 5 minutes the widget repeats 30 seconds until reach 5 minutes and then end current Schedule#2 and return to Schedule#1 again:
Schedule #1, Schedule#2:30s,30s,30s,30s,30s,30s,30s,30s,30s,30s and then start again Schedule #1… do you understand me?

Oh OK, but if you set 5 minutes (00:00 → 00:05), it’s normal layout #2 work for 5 minutes.
Widgets inside layouts run in a loop during planning.

The scheduler works in minutes (steps), not seconds.

Alternatively, try setting “Maximum plays per hour” = 1 in your schedule of Layout #2, like this

Name: Miscelaneous info for 30 seconds each 10 minutes, forever.
Event type: Layout
Display: Group all displays
Dayparting: Custom
Start time: 2024-04-04 00:00
End time: 2024-04-04 00:01
Layout: Layout #2
Display Order : 1
Priority: 2
Maximum per hour: 1
Repeats: Per Minute
Every: 10 Minute
Until: Empty

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