I’m facing an issue when sharing files in Xibo CMS, and I’d like to know if there’s a solution.
I have three users registered on the platform, and I need to share files with all of them. However, each user should believe that the file was shared only with them, meaning they shouldn’t see that the same file has been shared with the other users.
Currently, when I share a file, all users can see that it has been shared and that they are part of the same shared file. I need a way to individually share the same file with each user without them knowing that others also have access.
Is there any setting or method to achieve this in Xibo CMS?
Maybe it isn’t the setting you are looking for, but maybe sharing it to the Users Usergroup? It will Display that its been shared to Users, so I think it should resolve your issue.
Estou enfrentando uma dificuldade ao tentar compartilhar arquivos no Xibo CMS. O que preciso é o seguinte:
Eu tenho três usuários registrados na plataforma e quero compartilhar o mesmo arquivo com todos eles, mas de forma que cada um acredite que o arquivo foi compartilhado exclusivamente com ele. Ou seja, não quero que os usuários vejam que o arquivo foi compartilhado com outros usuários, nem que vejam os nomes dos outros usuários que também têm acesso ao arquivo.
Atualmente, quando compartilho um arquivo, todos os usuários podem ver que ele foi compartilhado com outros, inclusive o nome de quem mais tem acesso ao arquivo. Existe alguma maneira de compartilhar o arquivo com cada usuário individualmente, de forma que os nomes dos outros usuários fiquem ocultos ou invisíveis para todos? Não quero que os usuários saibam com quem o arquivo está compartilhado.
Hi, thats the same as in your first Article if Google Translate wasn’t off completely.
In the picture below you can see how I shared the default logo from Xibo, that’s installed by default in the Media tab.
You might be able to do it the same way, just as explained previously.
“I have already performed this procedure before, but I can still see which player this media is being shared with. Check the photo I shared and test with media that is already being displayed on multiple players.”
I don’t know if I understand it correctly, but the media isn’t being share to a Player (Digital Signage Monitor) directly. You need to create a Layout first and then share it.
This would’nt make any sense though because you wanted to know something about users…
Yes, I want to share media with multiple users, but in each user’s account, in the ‘Visibility’ column, I can see which players are using the same file just by clicking on that column in my report.
In summary, users have different options to view which other users are sharing the same media.
I understand your explanation about the need to create a Layout before sharing, but my question is specifically about visibility between users.