How to install ZeroMQ and Xibo CMS in Ubuntu with Xampp

CMS Version

Xibo CMS 2.3.10

Installation Method

Custom Install

Operating System

Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS


Hi to all!
This is a post only for explain the solution to a problem that I don’t found it any valid and updated information about. Please move this topic to another if you consider that here isn’t correct.

We are installing Xibo CMS 2.3.10 in a Ubuntu Server 20.04LTS with Xampp
In the process we need to activate, as a Xibo requirement, the ZeroMQ Extension, but this is not easy in Ubuntu, and for Xampp it’s very worse.

Then here is the step by step that i need to document for find the solution:
1.Install needed packages:
apt install -y net-tools smbclient unzip autoconf pkg-config libzmq3-dev libtool make build-essential
Note: net-tools, smbclient and unzip are optionals, but i used to configure through ssh.

2.Install Xampp (Version 8 and upper it’s not compatible with Xibo CMS at the moment)

3.Download and Unzip php-zqm-master

4.Cd to to folder php-zqm-master
./configure --with-php-configure=/opt/lampp/bin/php-config
make && make install

5.Copy version libstdc++ of Ubuntu to Xampp
find / -name “*”
cp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /opt/lampp/lib
cp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /opt/lampp/lib
Note: Where “X” is the version with de "find result"

6.Add to Xampp php.ini the extension
vim /opt/lampp/etc/php.ini

7.Restart Xampp
Note: If you see an MySQL Error stopping no worry, restart again.

8.Unzip Xibo CMS in /opt/lampp/htdocs

9.chmod 777 -R to xibo directory

  1. Apply the steps offered by Xibo Offical Documentation:

I hope it helps you!

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