after the last Brainstorming-Session i had some ideas for displaying our Trainingschedule.
Display the Trainings for today (Start/ Endtime,Trainingname, Room/Location). When the trainingtime is over, disapper the Trainungschedule from Display
Do a Preview of the Trainingschedule for next week.
I setup a Dataset with 8 Rows
SchulungStart and SchulungEnd = Start and Endtime of the Training
SchulungName is the Name of the Training
SChulungOrt ist the Traininglocation
DatumStart and DatumEnd is the formula to display the Date and Time in correct German
Formula = DATE_FORMAT(SchulungStart,β%d.%m %H:%iβ)
ZeitStart and ZeitEnd is the formula to display the Time in correct German
Adding some Data in the Dataset:
Next i add a Ticker to a Region and use the following Settings for Trainingschedule today:
Filter: DAY(SchulungStart) = DAY(CURDATE()) AND MONTH(SchulungStart) = MONTH(CURDATE()) and Now() < SchulungEnd
Display: [ZeitStart|14] - [ZeitEnd|15] [SchulungName|3] [SchulungOrt|4]
Next i design a new region and add a ticker with this settings for the Preview:
Filter: Week(SchulungStart) = Week(CURDATE()+1) AND MONTH(SchulungStart) = MONTH(CURDATE()) And NOT DAY(SchulungStart) = DAY(CURDATE()) AND MONTH(SchulungStart) = MONTH(CURDATE()) and Now() < SchulungEnd
Display: [DatumStart|5] -[DatumEnd|6] [SchulungName|3] [SchulungOrt|4]
So i hope i can help anybody how want to setup the same and i hope that i donβt make mistakes in this How-To (Is my fist one ;-))
Greetings Torsten
Edit: 18.01.2017: Supplement the Filter for Preview (Display all Trainings in Week, not only the forthcomming Trainings)