How and where applied bootstrap css class to Button in xibo1.6.4

How and where applied bootstrap css class to Button in xibo1.6.4

$response->AddButton((‘Help’), ‘XiboHelpRender("’ . $form_help_link . ‘")’);
(‘Cancel’), ‘XiboDialogClose()’);

Guide me exact location where applied css classs to buttons


want to change

data-handler=“0” class=“btn null” href=“javascript:;”>Help


data-handler=“0” class=“btn btn-primary” href=“javascript:;”>Help

where i can do this for all buttons in xibo1.6.4

plz specify class file and php file’s exact location

In 1.6 they are assembled into a buttons array

and supplied to bootbox for rendering

Lot of Thanks Dan Sir

Done Successfully.

Sachin Jadhao

India (Bharat)

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