Heads up to french users: Translation causing a Multiple Selection bug (4.0.4)

So I realized I couldn’t select multiple Layouts and move them, and realized that in the french translation of a certains phrase in the Javascript function “sendCommandMultiSelectFormOpen”, there were apostrophes that were closing and opening strings at the wrong place.

The old phrase was: “Sélectionner la commande à envoyer à l’afficheur. Si le XMR est activé sur le CMS, cette commande sera envoyée immédiatement, sinon un message d’erreur sera retourné.”

I went in Launchpad and updated the translation to: “Sélectionner la commande à envoyer à cet afficheur. Si le XMR est activé sur le CMS, cette commande sera envoyée immédiatement, sinon une erreur sera retourné.”

I didn’t know if I could put an escape character… so I just rewrote it in a way where it didn’t need apostrophes :rofl:

If I understand correctly, you should see the change automatically in version 4.0.5, or in the meantime, you can use the CMS in english when having to move multiple items, or, download the PO language file, do the correction, export it as MO and replace it in your server source files.

Welcome to the Community!

Thank you for updating that translation and yes you are correct that will be pulled into version 4.0.5.