Google traffic widget api key problem

Hi guys,

i get a message in my display that my browser doenst support the javascript api key from google maps, but i use IE 11, javascript is enabled and it still returns, what can i do?

greetings vince

What player version are you using please?

Perhaps double check that browser emulation entries are present and in correct path in the registry - Enabling HTML5 in the Windows .net Player

I assume the api key itself you’ve entered in the google traffic module is correct?

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i use version 1.8.2, and yes the api key itself is correct

I’d double check browser emulation then, as there is a bug about that in 1.8.2 player -

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thanks! my system is 32 bits so it is the bug

when is does 1.8.3 come out? do you know that?

There is no due date set yet, you can track the 1.8.3 milestone progress here -