Fetch Remote Datasets task gets stuck in running state

CMS Version



I’m using datasets to fetch live ticket availability information for our digital screens. This info needs to be pretty up to date, so I have my Fetch Remote Datasets task running every minute (and the dataset widgets also refreshing every minute).

For the most part - this works just fine. Sometimes for weeks and no issues. Then sometimes, the task gets stuck in a running state and our screens get hideously out of date.

I found on another topic that the fix for this is to disable and enable the task, which works just fine to get it working again.

But clearly this isn’t a long term solution, and no good when I’ve found it has been stuck for two days already. I’m wondering if there’s anything we can do to stop this issue happening, or if not, is there some way to add in some self-recovery for this task if it gets stuck (ie. runs longer than 10 seconds) so it can disable and re-enable itself?

Hello and welcome to the community!

I understand that you have reached out to a member of our team who are guiding you on this. If you do require further community support then please do come back to us here :slight_smile:

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