I’m currently evaluating Xibo for Android on a Cubieboard2 running Android 4.2.2.
Now I’m struggling with storage options, I do have an external SD Card mounted on /mnt/extsd (and an internal on /mnt/sdcard), but in the “Storage Options” menu only “Internal Storage” is shown.
First I got a few messages saying that the vold file cannot be parsed, I fixed that by replacing tabs with spaces.
Now I am getting messages that /mnt/extsd is not writeable (same for /mnt/secure/asec).
logcat is showing errors like “could not find method android.os.statfs.getavailablebytes”
dev_mount sdcard /mnt/sdcard auto /devices/virtual/block/nandk /devices/platform/sunxi-mmc.2/mmc_host
dev_mount extsd /mnt/extsd auto /devices/platform/sunxi-mmc.1/mmc_host /devices/platform/sunxi-mmc.0/mmc_host
commenting out the original sdcard /mnt/sdcard
and mounting sunxi-mmc.1/0 onto sdcard (/mnt/sdcard) does the trick
Glad you found a solution, and thanks for mentioning tabs and spaces - we’ve had trouble with the vold file parsing on some devices and have suspected it was tabs… Now we can confirm and build in logic to handle that.