Error with Xibo Player on Windows (XMDS)

I have a trouble with Xibo installed on XAMPP in my PC (I have tried this tutorial

OS Windows 10
Xibo CMS version 2.1.0
XAMPP control panel version v3.2.4
Xibo Client v3 R302.4

I have installed XAMPP, Xibo CMS and Xibo client. When I try to connect client with Xibo CMS I read this error

Il contenuto della risposta rilevato dal client è di tipo ‘text/plain;charset=UTF-8’, invece del previsto ‘text/xml’.
Richiesta non riuscita con messaggio di errore:

There has been an unknown error with XMDS, it has been logged. Please contact your administrator.

What is the problem? Thank you for your help.

Best regards

It seems it’s my fault: I have used the wrong version of the player (I need v. 2). Now I can see display in Xibo CMS.


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