Hi, i have the message “vlc plugin missing” or “vlc plugin is not supported”. Plugin is installed in 32 bit version as vlc firefox is in 32 bit also. In windows I need to install edge player vlc and firefox in 32 bit version to run udp streaming. There is some how to or solution for linux? I have the latest docker cms
thank you.
Please can you run the player up from a terminal (xibo-player
) and paste the original error message you see?
Hello and thanks for the reply.
The error message is displayed in the player instead of the video, no errors from terminal.
I downgrade firefox to 52 esr and vlc plugin is always activated. There is a difference between 32 or 64 bit for the player, do they work the same way? player installed is in edge channel but i tried latest/stable with same result.
I see what you mean - you’re running an embedded widget which shows a video? The player doesn’t use firefox to show embedded widgets, we use a webkit gtk browser renderer. 32/64bit shouldn’t make any difference to us, but the browser doesn’t support plugins in either case.
Have you tried using the Local Video module with your UDP stream URL?
Yes i tried but if i set udp url such as udp:// or udp://@, linux player show the default layout and win player the “xibo open source digital signage”.
In windows player I can see video streaming with vlc embedded.
i run player from terminal, i can see that error:
[14:51:01.334] [21780] [error]: [LayoutParser - RegionParser - MediaParser] Layout 75 is invalid or missing. Reason: map::at
[14:51:01.730] [21810] [error]: [75.xlf] Download error: [HTTP] 404 Not Found
** Message: 14:51:31.538: console message: http://localhost:9696/xibo-layout-scaler.js @20: ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: jQuery
** Message: 14:51:31.538: console message: http://localhost:9696/xibo-text-render.js @20: ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: jQuery
** Message: 14:51:31.538: console message: http://localhost:9696/xibo-image-render.js @20: ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: jQuery
** Message: 14:51:51.635: console message: http://localhost:9696/xibo-layout-scaler.js @20: ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: jQuery
** Message: 14:51:51.635: console message: http://localhost:9696/xibo-text-render.js @20: ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: jQuery
** Message: 14:51:51.635: console message: http://localhost:9696/xibo-image-render.js @20: ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: jQuery
** Message: 14:51:51.639: console message: http://localhost:9696/2.html @42: ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: $
** Message: 14:52:01.684: console message: http://localhost:9696/xibo-layout-scaler.js @20: ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: jQuery
** Message: 14:52:01.684: console message: http://localhost:9696/xibo-text-render.js @20: ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: jQuery
** Message: 14:52:01.684: console message: http://localhost:9696/xibo-image-render.js @20: ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: jQuery
** Message: 14:52:01.688: console message: http://localhost:9696/2.html @42: ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: $
[14:52:02.235] [21854] [error]: [75.xlf] Download error: [HTTP] 404 Not Found
I tried rtsp with no error. I can see rtsp video streaming.
i don’t know if it can help but, if i set udp url as udp:// without port i can see the layout with local video region but without streaming
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