DS Device DSCS9X Update OS Check for Update failure

I have recently purchased a DSDevice DSCS9X from Xibo direct, and have set it all up and is working well. However, when I teamviewer into the box and run the Update->Online Update command for the OS part, it performs a “Checking, Please Wait…” for about 1 minute then returns with a “Check Failes!Check Your OTA Service Argent” (yes it really does say Argent! I assume it means agent)
Am I not supposed to be able to perform any system/security updates on this device? This leaves a serious ingress point on our Wifi network if so - any advice?

Hi @JasonB, please see the following on how to perform OTA updates on the DSCS9X: DSCS9X Firmware Upgrade OTA | Xibo Digital Signage

Kind Regards,


Thanks Frazer.
I tried that download and had a scary moment when the Android device was left on an unsuccesful update with the dead Android logo on screen, asking to boot into recovery modes etc. I tried just reboot and luckily it continued to boot as normal. It was complaining about not being able to update a file that was already later than the one being installed. Maybe I will await the next release and try again.

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