Downloaded file failed MD5 check

Have you selected template: image overlaid with text?

Yes exactly that. It looks really nice :smiley:

Ok, thank you. Yes the pictures are great :slight_smile:

You probably already know or realise this, the ticker_ files are temporarily cached images from the feed. So the CMS downloads the MediaRss image to the library and then the player downloads it from the library.

Yes sure i know that. The player does not correctly download it (from localhost), as you can see on the screenshot with the ticker_-file open. The content is duplicated (called twice).
So the downloaded file is bigger than the file in the cms.

From here Schedule status: sleeping and required file status: sleeping(inside download window) - #4 by gnarkill042

Error 11 from the zip module also suggests you have a permissions problem in your Xibo library on the CMS. You need ot ensure that the webserver can write to the whole directory, and any sub directories (particularly the temp one)

I have the same problem on the windows installation. Maybe related and also a permission problem. But how to fix, for me it looks like xibo-cms is able to read/write…

So to summarise:

  • The feed works on our test system
  • I have also tested on Win 8
  • All other files download correctly (normal media files)
  • The file opens correctly from the CMS library
  • The file appears “double size” on the player

It would appear to be a CMS download problem, but that doesn’t explain why other files download correctly, so that points to a CMS problem.

Before we continue can you confirm that the above statements are correct?

Yes, only

The file appears “double size” on the player

Not exactly the double size, but parts are twice inside the file and it is bigger than the file in cms.

I have now installed the player-development version with visual studio.

Maybe a chache/filestore problem, i don’t know. Here is what i found:
In file RequiredFiles.cs i changed line 127 to rf.ChunkSize = 1000;
After that the files downloaded correctly (very slow). I have now set it back to 512000 and the error does not appear again and downloads work (even if i deleted the ticker_* files in the Xibo_Library!)

There’s no possibility you could have been running two instances of the XiboClient against the same directory?

No, i have the same problem on three windows computers.
The only thing is that i am using the same licence “Key” for multiple installations (with different URL). Could that be a problem and should that key be unique?

It’ll mean that the three all appear as one Display in the CMS but it shouldn’t cause an issue beyond that

No, not what i mean. I have different cms installation with the same Key.

No I don’t think that would cause an issue.

So now you can’t replicate it anymore on your systems?

Not on the system i installed visual studio. I will check if the error appears on the other systems

Yes, i get the error on the other systems, so i think it has to do with the changes i made

But you said you changed the value back to the 512000?

Yes, and it is working now, strange.
Are there files stored outside the XiboLibrary folder?

Yes there’s configuration and some state files stored in the user profile

Just a point to note - the state files are now stored in the player library (so that multiple players can run simultaneously)

The only thing in the user profile is a XML file containing the configuration.

Problem solved (for now).
I don’t know what exactly solved the problem (have changed and installed/activated too much also in windows). After reinstalling everything the error is gone! (I think there was something wrong in the cms backend)
For now, i have not made further tests. Only imported the nasa-feed in the fresh installation.

Thank you very much for the help.