Hi dears partners. I have some problem when I try to put in a page 3 regions each one with embedded script code facebook, google plus and twitter. Just I can see in player xibo the twitter but the another two areas I can´t see. When make it a preview is all ok, but when I try to play is when just show me twitter. I have 1.7.4 version of xibo.
I did anything configurations possibles sice display settings to java scripts and nothing.
We set threads to auto close otherwise people drag up old threads which have no relevance any more. You had 5 days to respond to my question and you still haven’t done so.
I have no other help for you until you can answer the questions in my last post
ohh thank you so much. I did the changes in my regedit, but the problems continues. I don’t know why. I have windows 7 professional 32 bits, xibo is installed local way. I did changes in all registries that includes xibo entrances and continues without show facebook and google + embedded.
It may not be possible then. I know several people have tried with Facebook before and failed because Facebook constantly change their code which seems to stop things working as they used to.
We provide an official integration for Twitter. If you want integration with the others then please post on the appropriate feature request thread.