Display list disappeared after update from 4.1 to 4.2

hi to all,
after upgrading to xibo via docker from 4.1 to 4.2 all display disappeared, in /display/view.
i am user custom port as we want to have https. the player seems to connect correctly
i am logged in as super user ( cms admin )

any ideas?

update on topic as i can see the cms try to gather the list as the gear on the upper left corner continues to move

Can you check your database in the display table?

Check those two columns:

In 4.2.0 it must be null, otherwise the dislplay page will not work properly.

*it will be fixed in 4.2.1

Thank you. But my install is with docker i really don’t know how to install php my admin inside docker, nor it works outside. For now i jus rolled back to 4.1. That’s pitty this bug conpromises the cms. It is really a little thing. And i don’t want to give 106 pounds / hour the the xibo developer for this, i will just wait. Meantime i will experiment xibo with a full install without docker for have more control on it. Thanks again for your answer.

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Just wait the next release, the bug will be fixed.

If you already use Xibo in docker, i recommend you to stay using docker, since i’ts the recommended instalation by xibo.

I know, but i hate to have no corntrol … will think about. Thank you

Is there a time line for the next release?

Hi, as @pitoco02 has said that will be fixed in the upcoming release but in the meantime here is a patch for docker:

docker-compose exec cms-web bash
cd /var/www/cms
apt update
apt install -y patch
curl -sL "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/alexharrington/fc07e5d2ab727dc1522009e0b55e59dc/raw/61310d7ac3bdd47430a2e8a820a877f6a5a0d5c2/2894.diff" | patch -p1

You may need to clear the cache afterwards.

We are aiming to release at some point next week! (w/c 17th Feb)

Has the release gone ahead as planned? Excited to see it

The release has been slightly delayed and is now planned for next week (w/c 3rd March)

Thank you

Thanks for the update. Appreciate the heads-up! Looking forward to the release next week. In the meantime, could this Bash command help resolve the issue?

docker-compose exec cms-web bash
cd /var/www/cms
apt update
apt install -y patch
curl -sL "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/alexharrington/fc07e5d2ab727dc1522009e0b55e59dc/raw/61310d7ac3bdd47430a2e8a820a877f6a5a0d5c2/2894.diff" | patch -p1