To be completed by the original poster:
CMS Version
Version 4.0.10
Player Type
Can’t find, not important for the issue
Player Version
Can’t find, not important for the issue
We are a secondary school and have been using Xibo for several years. We are running this on our local server and are experiencing an inconvenient problem. It does not seem possible for us to set an image to 10s under administration → modules → image, and then have the layout take only 10 seconds as well. For a PDF, we did manage to edit the default time of 60 seconds to 10 seconds. I also checked the extensions extensively and this doesn’t seem to be the problem either. The warad now set under “Valid extensions” is png,jpg,jpeg,gif,bmp,webp,PNG,JPG,JPEG,GIF,BMP,WEBP. This is just to avoid not being case sensitive anyway.
Is this a known problem? We know it is possible to adjust this manually in the layout, but this is very cumbersome as we use Xibo several times a day. Any information around this problem is welcome.
Thanks in advance
Stijn Houben
IT Lyceum Genk