Date format on static template


I am using CMS v4.2.0 and want to create a static template for a RSS ticker.
The template is working, except of the date format.
I want to change it to “DD.MM.YY H:i” but I don’t know where and how to do that.
This is my HBS:

Here what I see in the preview:

I would like to make it configurable in the layout editor with a field if possible:

How to realize that?
At least a correct formatting would be fine. The configuration is not mandatory

Thank you

My solution actually is in “onTemplateRender” tab:

    var dateval = moment($(e).find('.date').text()).format(properties.itemDateFormat);

Isn’t it possible to set that in the twig tab or the HBS?

{{ date_time_variable | date("FORMAT_STRING", "OPTIONAL_TIMEZONE") }}
{{ date_time_variable | format_datetime(pattern: "dd.MM.yyyy, hh:mm") }}