Dashboard does not show information

I am looking for help to solve this problem, xibo cms in Dashboard does not show me information of the screens or statistics.

indicate that the operating system is windows server 2012 r2 with apache, xibo version 2.3.1 and the players use windows 10 pro

I’ve had the same the last couple of versions something is stuck was just about to post the same.


I’d suggest trying a CTRL+F5 or CTRL+R whilst on that page - it looks like you both have some cached JavaScript

didn’t seem to fix it happens to me on multiple computers scheduling to server not just one, it’s been doing it for me for awhile now. Started back on CMS 2.2.1 or 2.2.2

Dear, deactivate the option to show news in the configuration options and automatically solve the problem, you can try and tell us how it went.

Thats a good idea try.

If it doesn’t work then a Report Fault file would be useful.

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