Create First Name and Last Name to User Form

Hello Dan

Aiming integrations with NPS systems (Promoter.IO) or Customer Success (Evergage or Intercom) would ask you to include some fields in the user registration.

First name
Last name

For general system settings, we could include the Company field.

Thus we take the data as the integration of these tools scripts for overview of various CMS focused on business.

dan plz also add mobile no field (or phone no) in user table and user creation form and possible implement OTP utility

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Dear laercionit this is very easy task you can do

  1. add one fild lastname in user table
    2)add user form include one addition texbox and just copy and paste code for that

@dan, could include 1.8?
It’s something simple, more if I do in my code I will have problems always when performing updates if you do not see as part of Xibo.

I await comments.

It sounds quite simple yes, but we do have to draw the line somewhere otherwise we never release the product :smiley:

I’ve added to the next milestone:

@sasaxibo - we do accept contributions if you’d like to help us out, just sign the CLA and submit a pull request :wink:

laercionit hi

Your Requirement is very simple.

you can do that

i have already add mobile no in user table as well as in user form

This is very simple task.

Dear Dan Plz send me your Mail id so that i will do this modification in your new release of xibo

i will send you modified user table as well as new modified user form ( include Firstname,Last name and Mobile)

plz tell the step of CLA and submit a pull request (i am new for that)

Sachin Jadhao

Mumbai (Bombay) , India (Bharat)

That sounds excellent - we manage all our code and contributions with GitHub (so you fork the code, make your changes and submit a pull request).

More details are here



Thank you.

Laercio Junior
Cel./Pessoal: (21) 99162-7440
Email Pessoal:
Skype: laercionit

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Hello Dan,

I have not found the fields you created for translation in

Hi Laercio

I think we covered this before. Each time Dan wants to release new strings for translation, a new template file has to be generated and committed to the source tree. This takes time to do so it doesn’t happen after every commit. As we approach release time those will be generated and committed so they can be translated.

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Implemented in 1.8 alpha2

I’ll close this topic now.