content upload problem

Hello and welcome,
I have more and more problems with the operation of the Xibo server installed on Linux CenOS 7 version 3.0.6.
The first problem is uploading content where the file (mp4 movie) is, for example, 220 MB in size.
It fails, the player endlessly tries to download this video over and over again.
When I divide the movie in half of 110 MB, then it goes through.
When the campaign contains several videos and images, it is almost impossible to send them all at once.
I tried to solve this problem by modifying php.ini and mysql files but it didn’t help.

I will add that the player and the server work in a LAN cable.
I rule out the possibility of connection problems.

Another problem appeared quite recently
It consists in the fact that the player has already downloaded content in the past, which certainly has not changed, and yet suddenly from the morning it decides to download everything again
which of course fails because of the first problem I described above.
Of course, I’ve read about situations where the player tries to download the content again, but first of all they have not changed and secondly they are on this player. The question is why he does it
I’ve read a lot about how to solve these problems but it didn’t help
can anyone help me solve these problems?

Please provide us with basic and detailed information about your setup so that we can assist you.

For example, the type of web server, its version, configuration details, PHP version, contents of the config file, Xibo CMS version, and settings related to data provision from the player. Additionally, please include the Xibo Player version and any relevant details from the access and error logs.
Lastly, let us know about your settings for e.g. “max input parsing time, max HTTP POST size, max execution time and max file upload size.”

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Hi DanielW,
I use to have this issue too wtih windows player. I didn’t find how to correct this but, Here are my two tips to help. First, I use handbrake to optimize the video
Second, I put more time here to force le display to wait the communication with the Xibo Server maybe the time that the video files is copied on the player.
I think the player reset files transfer at each new connection between player and server ?? Let’s hear some news about dev team.

Tell us

Hello again, I still have the same problem.
I’m having a hard time loading content onto the displays.
Practically, I upload individual videos to each player, so I manage to load the content in small steps.
I recently did such a test, I used xibo-player in Windows 10 and the shock works without any problems :-).
But for me this is not the solution.
I tried to run xibo player on Ubuntu, Debian and the problem is exactly the same

HI DanielW, did you try increasing the collect interval to 15 or 20 minutes, did ou test this way ?

Hello :slight_smile:
yes, I have tested it many times but it doesn’t help.
Until yesterday, I was convinced that it was a problem with the CMS server, I corrected many parameters on it that seemed to be very important, but now I am convinced that it is some problem with Xibo-Player itself on Linux.
Yesterday I launched Xibo-player on windows 10 and all these problems disappeared.
Now I send all the video content and photos in one campaign, about 1GB of data, and it all goes smoothly.
I have Xibo-cms 3.0.6 running on CentOS 7.9
Apache Server 2.4.6
PHP 7.2.34
Xibo-player on Ubuntu Debian (different versions) problem as I described.
Xibo-player v3 R310.1 on Windows 10 works without any problems

The Linux player is old and hasn’t been updated several years.
Maybe wait new version: Linux player status and plans - #5 by dan