I completed setting up Xibo on Ubuntu 24.04 with Docker. Now I tried to open Xibo in browser and I get error: “Configuration problem: Library not writable”. I did chmod -R 777 /opt/xibo but the error continues to occur.
I woudl really appreciate help. Thanks.
I dont use the Docker version but can you open a bash shell in your Docker container using the command
docker exec -it <container_name> /bin/bash
and post the output of the following command?
ls -l /opt/xibo
Also, could you check if the web server user (like www-data
, apache
, or a dedicated user) has ownership of the library directory? This is crucial for Xibo to function correctly.
If the ownership isn’t set correctly, you can change it with this command (adjust the path if necessary):
chown -R www-data:www-data /opt/xibo
If this doesn’t resolve the issue, could you share the log files?
I have 6 seperate containers for every image (memcached, web, quickchart, xmr, db) and neither of them have directory /opt/xibo. Do you know why is that? Is this what is causing the problem?
And yes, user www-data has ownership of the library directory.
Although I don’t use the Docker version myself, there shouldn’t be a need for significant changes since it’s pre-configured. However, if the deployment process was faulty, you might want to start fresh. If this is a clean install, consider removing your Xibo setup with docker-compose down
Then redeploy following the Docker Manual?
If you’d rather not re-deploy, you can try the following steps:
Navigate to the Directory with cd /opt/xibo
If it doesn’t exist, create it with mkdir /opt/xibo
Make sure to set the appropriate permissions (start with 777, and then tighten it to something like 750).
Check your docker-compose.yml
file and verify that the mount location for the library is correct. Here’s the relevant section for reference:
You can also modify the path before the “:” to point to a different location, for example:
- "/path/to/xibo/library:/var/www/cms/library:Z"
After making these changes, restart the container to apply them.
I did everything you explained but I still get this error.
I’m doing this for my our company and I need to use our artifacts to pull images from docker. Is it maybe problem beacuse I use artifacts and I can’t download specific versions of cms (I downloaded all latest docker images).
To summarize. I did everything according to tutorial how to install Xibo with Docker on Ubuntu, the only thing different is that I changed the names of the docker images in docker-compose.yml. I added our company artifacts prefix. I have also added 777 permissions to the folder library and also in the xibo-cms container I have added 777 permissions to the folder library. Any help to find what could be wrong here would be greatly appreciated.
Is it possible that this error is linked to mysql database?
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