I have the following issue:
When logging in as “user” (Users group) with granted rights to create and manage folders I can’t see new created folders when I’m in the campaign tab. As SuperAdmin I can see the folders and can share them explicit with the other users.
Once that is done, the folder are seen.
Is that a known bug? I tried to set other rights for this group, did’nt work.
Hi, have the created Folders themselves been Shared with the appropriate Users/User Groups?
If you want Users to be able to Share Folders then you will need to also ensure that Allow Sharing capabilities for all User Objects is enabled for the User/User Group also. This is on the Users tab of Features:
thank you very much for your reply.
It’s activated but even if the user itself creates a folder, after reloading the page, the created folder is gone and can only be edit or seen by the admin.
In the meantime you could create a Folder for the User/User Group and enable View/Edit/Delete Share options for it so they can then create their own Folders under this parent. Just to note that only Super Admins can actually set the Share Options for a Folder. Enabling the Allow Sharing capabilities for all User Objects allows a User to save objects to a Folder to inherit the options that have been set for that Folder.