Clear Cached Data as Command

For the original poster (OP) to fill in:


Send the “Clear Cached Data” (found under Display->Edit->Adavanced) as command.

User Story

A few of our low-power Windows-clients need the “Clear Cached Data” command to display the most recent changes. It would be easier to send this command to a Display Group insted of opening each display individually.

For the dev team to fill in:


The current status and the username of the:

  • Reporter
  • Drafter
  • Implementer


A broad description of the changes required.

Effected Software

Which parts of Xibo are effected

DB Schema Changes

Any necessary DB Schema Changes

Would be great to have this implemented!

Clearing cached data shouldn’t be necessary for routine operation, if it is, then something is wrong! Doing it on mass has serious load implications as every display request will have to regenerate cache at the same time.

In an emergency and if you’re using docker you could restart the memcached container, which would clear the entire cache.