Cleanest way to transfer user data from an old docker CMS to a fresh one?

To be completed by the original poster:

CMS Version

We are on Version 3.3.12 now, started with 1.8, done every incremental update since then.

Installation Method


Operating System

Ubuntu Server installed on an Azure Cloud Server provided by our customer.


No “Issue”, just want to know the best solution for…

As written, we have a long-standing server with many incremental updates and some system tinkering in the past, for various given problems at that given times (some of which have previous community posts, where we followed your help and solutions). At the moment we are in the process of evaluating v4 on a test server, for the next big upgrade for our customer (because of some features/problems we have to wait for v4.1 to really upgrade). With the new Server, we want to start as fresh and bug free as possible, therefore we want to do a clean new install (so that we don’t carry over old misconfigurations, bit-rotten files, a.s.o.).

And here comes the “problem”: What’s the cleanest way to bring all old content to the new server (Contend DB, User(groups), Layouts, Playlists, Calendar Events, Displays…)? I have thought of an “Export all” and “Import all” but I can’t find such possibility. With such a method, compared to “just copy the DB”, I have hoped that also “repairs” all possible DB problems, because an import method should know what and how to newly write the content back in the DB!?

So to sum up (and TLTR) the question is:
What is the best/official way to transfer ALL data from an old v3 CMS to a newly installed v4.1?

I only know one way how to start with a “clean” docker installation, because usually the official way is to just do the upgrade with the new yml file.

So you can first export your database from the docker container itself:
First, run docker ps to list all running docker containers, and find there the name of the database container. It will be the one with web in the name - so for example Xibo_cms-web_1.

Once you have the database container name, run the following to get to a shell inside the web container;

* *docker exec -ti Xibo_cms-web_1 bash* *

taken from this guide:

Then you can export your database, maybe do a cleanup job before, either in xibo or directly on the DB.

Then you have to save your library folder,

Afterwards you just have to follow the guide I already linked above. That’s it, but I guess not worth the extra mile.

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