Can't upload any files above 100 MB

CMS Version

4.0.14 (Directadmin hosted)

Player Type

Windows player

Player Version



Hi All,

I am unable to upload any media-file with a size thats above 100 mb. The CMS gives me a “unknown error”. When I retry uploading and look in the console of Chrome it shows “POST 413 (Payload Too Large)”. The PHP options were set as follows:

max_execution_time: 500
max_input_time: 360
memory_limit: 2048M
post_max_size: 2048M
upload_max_filesize: 1G

Did I miss something? Anyone got a clue why its not working?

I first contacted my hosting provider, which said it has to be something in the CMS that causes this limit.

I reinstalled the CMS, but with no luck.

Do you use cloudflare by chance? I asked recently about the ability to chunk uploads. I never got it fixed and ended up bypassing cloud flare by setting up a reverse proxy on a vps.

I use it yeah. I did a test going pass it, but still I got the error unfortunately :slightly_frowning_face:

Cloudflare definitely has a 100mb limit so whoever you talked either lied or gave you wrong info.

Did you turn off proxy setting in the DNS settings?

Are you using a tunnel? Tunnels are also restricted…

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I misunderstood your message. So now I tried it without proxying through Cloudflare, and it was indeed Cloudflare capping on 100mb . Thankyou very much for your help, It works fine now!!

Absolutely no problem at all! I’m usually the one on forums asking all the questions lol happy I could help.

Just a side note: remember turning off the proxy setting exposes your wan Ip address if you use a tool like nslookup. I would suggest looking into a reverse proxy set up to keep you safe. Good luck have a good one.

Yeah I already proxied it on another way! Thanks again!

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