Can't save a template because it has empty regions?

Hi guys,
how come we no longer can save a layout as template if there are empty regions?
if so,
that is non sense!
Please keep in mind,
templates are for making things easier for the users.
Sometimes, you make a region with a content and leave another one empty for the users.

It was possible to save a layout partly empty as template but not anymore :frowning:


This is an oversight, you clearly should be able to save a template with an empty region. I’ve created an issue:

Many thanks Dan!
Would it be better to have both buttons active?
Save as template and publish layout?
editor does not allow to save as template if not published first.
It would be great to have the ability of saving as template without publishing first.
And of course ability of saving as template if there are empty regions.

Best regards

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