Hi, i have zero experience with docker and have issues finding my settings-custom.php file.
Our manager deleted our Azure Enterprise Application which disabled our Xibo Digital Signage.
I’m following this guide to setup the application again.
However, on the step to edit the settings-custom.php file I’m stuck. I can’t seem to find it.
I’ve used this command to list the directories inside the containers :
sudo docker exec -it 6cac947876d1 ls
Output : bin lib root tmp dev media run usr entrypoint.sh mnt sbin var etc mod_xsendfile.c srv home proc sys
When I run sudo docker ps i get these containers :
6cac947876d1/xibosignage/xibo-cms:release-2.0.1/“/entrypoint.sh”/5years ago/up 2 hours/>80/tcp/xibodocker185_cms-web1
bb55904b989e/xibosignage/mysql:5.6/“docker-entrypoint.s…”/5years ago/up 2 hours/3306/tcp/xibodocker185_cms-db_1
a0a3b6807c79/xibosignage/xibo-cms:release-0.7/“/entrypoint.sh”/5years ago/up 2 hours/>9505/tcp,50001/tcp/xibodocker185_cms-xmr_1
Could someone explain me how i can access my settings-custom.php file? Because when I run the docker exec ls command I can’t seem to find the shared directory.
Kind Regards