Cannot Get Display Download status via API

I want to read displays download status via API. I can only get mediainventorystatus. I need to understand how many files the display will download to update new layout. The CMS could show this data but cannot get from API.

BY THE WAY {{url}}/api/display?embed=displaygroups - Return displaygroups but Only Return First one with displaygroups, nothing more. not like In API document it says
/api/display?displayId=10&embed=displayGroups : only return the display but, no display groups or media data.


and it does return display Specific display group and all display groups that this display is a member of.

If display is not a member of any display group then that will only show the display specific displayGropup.

As for number of files I don’t think you can get that via GET displays call, it returns all the info you can find on the Displays page where you can tell if display is downloading files (mediaInventoryStatus), but you don’t see how many of them are still left - that info is on Manage page / mediaInventory in log

No all my displays member of a display group, but only shows just first display, not for others.

Is there any improvement on API to get info on Manage page. Bandwith, medias, pending files.?

You mean when you call it on all displays?
That does ring a bell, it was reported with different issue but the cause was the same, fixed here -

Will be fixed in 1.8.10 release.

As for other info about displays via API, it might be possible, we’d need to investigate the best way to achieve that, but I don’t think there are plans to do that - as such it would be best to create a feature request topic for that, so we can remember about it and consider it in the future if it will be feasible.