Before completing please check that the time, date and timezone have been correctly set on the device running the Player.
Player Version
The Client (W10 21H2) is running Xibo Player Version 3.301.1 .
The Player is showing the right Layout for a few hours (sometimes just some minutes). Then the screen is just black (Windows ist still running in the background). Xibo ist showing only a black screen.
The layout is scheduled with always.
This are the error logs in the cms:
Looks like you are running out of memory on the system. Next time when you get a black screen, before closing it, bring up the Task Manager (CTRL+SHIFT+ESC) and take a look at what’s running and check how much free and committed RAM you have.
I can’t see the Task Manager while Xibo is running.
If I press “i” to disable the ‘always on top’ of the player, the Player closes complete.
Therafter, this is the RAM: