Auto-start on Fire TV Stick not working

We have a dozen displays running on Fire TV Sticks. All of my other Fire TV Stick installations have worked wonderfully. This latest one runs very well, but it will not auto-launch Xibo at start nor will it restart Xibo after a certain time of it not being launched like all my other displays. They are all using the same Display Setting Profile with “Start during device start up?” and “Automatic Restart” both checked.

Any ideas why it isn’t working?

Also, I have tried the Launch On Boot app. It also doesn’t seem to work.


There were reports a while ago about a change made by Amazon relating to how apps boot up on FireTV:

The permission that should be manually added relates to “Display drawing over other apps”, which some have reported can be manually granted to bypass the above. Xibo does try to automatically request this permission, but that is denied due to the above update.

Please let us know if that does help, as I am sure others will encounter it as Amazon rolls that update out.

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I found another sign site that had some instructions that seemed to be promising.

I had already installed the Android Debug Bridge so I used their command but swapped out the app file name for the Xibo file and it prompts an auto load of the Xibo app.

adb shell appops set SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow

Now, after a few minutes, it will prompt with the “We cannot detect your remote” screen. If I press the OK button it almost immediately loads Xibo. If I wait long enough, the no remote screen disappears and it loads Xibo.

So… it seems like it’s fixed, or at least it’s better than it was. Any other input would be great.

Yeah, that’s the “Display drawing over other apps” permission I mentioned, which we do automatically request, but is no longer granted on FireTV.

I don’t have any other information at the moment, perhaps someone else will comment.

Thanks for the confirmation on that. Even though it seems to be working now, I’m looking at another generic android TV box with a price point that is close to the Fire TV Stick to possibly switch to. If they are actively trying to break the functionality, I don’t want to be playing digital whack-a-mole with a bunch of displays trying to make they work right every time Amazon pushes an update. If the DSC95’s were in the $50 range I’d go with them in a heartbeat…

That’s good feedback, thank you.

We do our best to make the DSCS95/9X cost effective options; our main goal is to get people a good stable environment on which to run Xibo. That being said doing so takes quite a bit of effort, care and attention.

To be honest I can’t recommend choosing a device in the $50 range (one that isn’t subsidised by the manufacturer anyway); even if you took the effort to thoroughly test it you’d find they differ significantly between purchases of the same unit.

Something you might consider is a SOC panel (Sony, Phillips, etc) as they usually have a good reliable android board inside, which can be cost effective as an overall package. Depends a bit if you’re buying signage rated screens already or not.

I hope there is something useful in the above!

Did you try using ADB to grant the permissions to the Xibo app manually?
adb shell pm grant android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW

Alternatively, you could try reinstalling Xibo via ADB with the -r and -g flags to grant all permissions on installation automatically:
adb install -r -g <path to your apk>.apk

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I tried this command first before the other command I mentioned above. It seemingly had no affect on the app.

I might try using adb to do my next installation. It seems like it might be more simple.

I see. Referencing this article here: Set permissions via adb and appops command - Test Automation Chronicles, it would appear that the appopps command that you ran is not correct?

They go onto say the correct way is to use:
adb shell appops set android:system_alert_window allow

Perhaps this is what needs to be done instead?


You might have nailed it, but I’m getting some mixed results. Half of the time it is launching Xibo on startup immediately or very quickly. One time it took several minutes and went through the whole “I can’t find your remote” screen :expressionless: and then it launches. A couple times it didn’t launch. Also, it doesn’t appear to let the watchdog feature that re-launches the Xibo app if it crashes or goes back to the home screen for some reason. :man_shrugging: It’s definitely better that it was, but maybe not 100% yet. I’m satisfied for now. I’m still going to test out some other players as possible replacements.

Thanks for the help!

Actually, I think this might be fixed too. It takes a lot longer than the 15 seconds that I have set for the app to restart, but it definitely is relaunching the app now. :+1: :+1:


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