Hi Team,
Xibo CMS: 3.3.6
I want to know the display groups attached to a screen
On display API, displayGroupId return always the displayId.
And displayGroups property is not returned to reponse.
Exemple on display #1: {{url}}/api/display?displayId=2
displayGroupId value is 2
"displayId": 2,
"displayTypeId": 0,
"venueId": 0,
"address": "",
"isMobile": 0,
"languages": null,
"displayType": null,
"screenSize": null,
"isOutdoor": 0,
"customId": "",
"costPerPlay": null,
"impressionsPerPlay": null,
"ref1": null,
"ref2": null,
"ref3": null,
"ref4": null,
"ref5": null,
"auditingUntil": 0,
"display": "DSCS9X-TEST_PS",
"description": null,
"defaultLayoutId": 1,
"license": "...",
"licensed": 1,
"loggedIn": 1,
"lastAccessed": "2023-07-11 17:33:31",
"incSchedule": 0,
"emailAlert": 0,
"alertTimeout": 0,
"clientAddress": "",
"mediaInventoryStatus": 1,
"macAddress": "c4:4e:ac:22:3e:0d",
"lastChanged": "0",
"numberOfMacAddressChanges": 0,
"lastWakeOnLanCommandSent": "0",
"wakeOnLanEnabled": 0,
"wakeOnLanTime": "",
"broadCastAddress": "",
"secureOn": "",
"cidr": "",
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"clientType": "android",
"clientVersion": "3",
"clientCode": 305,
"displayProfileId": 2,
"currentLayoutId": 1,
"screenShotRequested": 0,
"storageAvailableSpace": "24.14 GiB",
"storageTotalSpace": "24.65 GiB",
**"displayGroupId": 2,**
"currentLayout": "Default Layout",
"defaultLayout": "Default Layout",
"xmrChannel": "cb62517d9ce6a103ba3901272dcc7edc",
"xmrPubKey": "...",
"lastCommandSuccess": 0,
"deviceName": null,
"timeZone": "UTC",
"tags": null,
"bandwidthLimit": 0,
"newCmsAddress": null,
"newCmsKey": null,
"orientation": "landscape",
"resolution": "1920x1080",
"commercialLicence": null,
"teamViewerSerial": null,
"webkeySerial": null,
"groupsWithPermissions": null,
"createdDt": "2023-07-06 13:17:58",
"modifiedDt": "2023-07-11 17:33:33",
"folderId": 1,
"permissionsFolderId": 1,
"countFaults": 0,
"lanIpAddress": null,
"bandwidthLimitFormatted": 0
And for Display #1: {{url}}/api/display?displayId=1
displayGroupId value is 1
"displayId": 1,
"displayTypeId": 0,
"venueId": 0,
"address": "",
"isMobile": 0,
"languages": null,
"displayType": null,
"screenSize": null,
"isOutdoor": 0,
"customId": "",
"costPerPlay": null,
"impressionsPerPlay": null,
"ref1": "",
"ref2": "",
"ref3": "",
"ref4": "",
"ref5": "",
"auditingUntil": 0,
"display": "PS-PC102",
"description": "",
"defaultLayoutId": 1,
"license": "...",
"licensed": 1,
"loggedIn": 0,
"lastAccessed": "2023-07-06 17:05:10",
"incSchedule": 0,
"emailAlert": 0,
"alertTimeout": 0,
"clientAddress": "",
"mediaInventoryStatus": 3,
"macAddress": "FE:D6:36:CB:F6:71",
"lastChanged": "0",
"numberOfMacAddressChanges": 0,
"lastWakeOnLanCommandSent": "0",
"wakeOnLanEnabled": 0,
"wakeOnLanTime": "",
"broadCastAddress": "",
"secureOn": "",
"cidr": "",
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"clientType": "windows",
"clientVersion": "3 R309.1",
"clientCode": 309,
"displayProfileId": 1,
"currentLayoutId": null,
"screenShotRequested": 0,
"storageAvailableSpace": "44.75 GiB",
"storageTotalSpace": "74.42 GiB",
**"displayGroupId": 1,**
"currentLayout": null,
"defaultLayout": "Default Layout",
"xmrChannel": "a34400a398c775e7f45c9767bd011dc0",
"xmrPubKey": "...",
"lastCommandSuccess": 0,
"deviceName": "PS-PC102",
"timeZone": "",
"tags": null,
"bandwidthLimit": 0,
"newCmsAddress": null,
"newCmsKey": null,
"orientation": "landscape",
"resolution": "1024x768",
"commercialLicence": "3",
"teamViewerSerial": null,
"webkeySerial": null,
"groupsWithPermissions": null,
"createdDt": "2023-07-06 12:58:33",
"modifiedDt": "2023-07-06 17:15:00",
"folderId": 1,
"permissionsFolderId": 1,
"countFaults": 0,
"lanIpAddress": null,
"bandwidthLimitFormatted": 0