API call /user/me Trouble

Hi, I want to know the correct use of /user/me (Described in the Xibo API doc) because doing a GET request to /user/me is returning 500 error with description “Access Denied” … I need to recover the userId and userGroupId but for this I first need the response of /user/me working as expected. Thanks in advance.

/user/me will return data for current user, it just calls the getUser() in controller/Base.php

I’m not sure why would that return 500, could you show me the call please?

You can just call /user https://xibo.org.uk/manual/api/#/user/userSearch to get a list of all users

You can use something simple like Postman to do that.

Alternatively you can look in the database user table.

$xibo = new Xibo();
$xibo->getToken(); // This authenticates and set the Authorization Header with the token provided by the auth method
/* This calls through GuzzleHTTP GET Request and it returns 
"error": {
"message": "Access Denied",
"code": 500,
"data": []

All others request are working as excepted except for this one ( /user/me )