Android WLAN connection get lost regularly


i am using Android player (i.e. z64 with Android 4.4.4) and after some time, about 1 Day or hours, the WLAN connection get lost and they do not reconnect any more. So I have to switch of the player or reconnect manual. I tried apps like “Smart Wifi Toggler” to keep the WLAN connection alive but it does not work. Does anybody has an idea how to fix it?

Thanks in advance, Mark

I have my clients configured to reboot every 24 hours and that seems to help.

I would suggest contacting whoever operates the wireless network that your clients are connecting to. Perhaps the wireless routers have policies that are set to force clients off the network after a certain time.

thanks, that is also my option.
In the morning, when no one see the reboot, I reboot the client with the App “Reboot Schedule_v2.1.0”.
In addition to that I switch Wlan off and on again during the day by command “svc wifi disable” and “svc wifi enable”.

May be even better than disable and enable via xibo is to disable and enable via local andoird app like “WiFi” because you do not need to waste your xibo schedule with daily commands.