Android R102 not playing MP4s

We have some videos that have played just fine on R101, but after upgrading, they refuse to play on R102. Any known reason why this would be?

Uri=file:///data/data/com.signage.jmohgnbgos/files/305.mp4. What=100. Extra=0.
2017-06-02 16:38:54 - INFO - PDO stats: { "default": { "select": 66 }, "log": { "insert": 67 }, "isolated": { "update": 2 }, "length": -0.707433 }.

There is no general issue with R102 and videos, I don’t think we’ve changed anything regarding videos between R101-R102 either.

What device is it please? (mark, model, android version)

We re-rendered the videos and so far, they work.

Units are RKM 902II/16GB, Android version 5.1.1

So we found that they work a little better. Now they fail roughly once an hour between these two… strange. R101 no problem.

2017-06-09 20:41:05 - ERROR - Cannot display video. Uri=file:///data/data/com.signage.jmohgnbgos/files/426.mp4. What=100. Extra=0.
2017-06-09 20:41:03 - ERROR - Cannot display video. Uri=file:///data/data/com.signage.jmohgnbgos/files/425.mp4. What=100. Extra=0.
2017-06-09 20:11:37 - ERROR - Cannot display video. Uri=file:///data/data/com.signage.jmohgnbgos/files/425.mp4. What=100. Extra=0.
2017-06-09 14:08:59 - ERROR - Cannot display video. Uri=file:///data/data/com.signage.jmohgnbgos/files/425.mp4. What=100. Extra=0.
2017-06-09 13:01:00 - ERROR - Cannot display video. Uri=file:///data/data/com.signage.jmohgnbgos/files/426.mp4. What=100. Extra=0.
2017-06-09 12:17:31 - ERROR - Cannot display video. Uri=file:///data/data/com.signage.jmohgnbgos/files/425.mp4. What=100. Extra=0.
2017-06-09 12:15:37 - ERROR - Cannot display video. Uri=file:///data/data/com.signage.jmohgnbgos/files/426.mp4. What=100. Extra=0.
2017-06-09 12:04:20 - ERROR - Cannot display video. Uri=file:///data/data/com.signage.jmohgnbgos/files/426.mp4. What=100. Extra=0.
2017-06-09 11:25:45 - ERROR - Cannot display video. Uri=file:///data/data/com.signage.jmohgnbgos/files/426.mp4. What=100. Extra=0.
2017-06-09 10:54:02 - ERROR - Cannot display video. Uri=file:///data/data/com.signage.jmohgnbgos/files/426.mp4. What=100. Extra=0.

Strange indeed, do you have internal or external storage set on those devices?
Looks like internal storage I think, could you try to switch it to external and see if that will improve the situation?

Looks like the setting was lost at some point, because neither was checked(Bug?). We first tried turned on surfaceview, and that did not fix the problem. We set the setting of the storage to internal, flushed the cache, still black screens on some videos. We then changed the storage to external, cleared the cache, and still black. (I guess we will try different rendering settings and see if we can’t identify what is not being liked)

In the future will the option to set the storage location be avaliable to be set via the CMS?

Also note that most instances of the files not playing are NOT logged. In-fact in almost all instances of the file not playing are not logged. This looks new in R102. Is this by design?


I can confirm Peters suspicions that there are no functional changes between R101 and R102 with regards to video rendering.

We have no plans to make that available from the CMS - it is a configuration time client side option (the device needs to enumerate its available storage methods)

Due to changes in the way SD cards work in Android, we needed to rewrite how these were parsed and shown in the options page - neither would have been checked as a result of this, however the existing setting would have been honoured until you selected a new one.

If the video fails to play with an error from the underlying media player, it will always log the message - unless it has had a “what=something other that 100” - in that case the file gets blacklisted and will be shown in the blacklist on the status screen.

Edit: as a matter of interest, what=100 means that the MediaServer on the android device died and was not able to continue (or start perhaps) rendering the video. The correct thing to do in this case is move on and try again (which is why no blacklist in this case).

ok… Just would be nice to be able to change this without the need to physically go to the unit.

Ok. Makes sense now. The media player is dying. There may not have been a functional change in how media is rendered, but maybe something now asking/expecting something before the device can serve it that. Now I wonder about the units we are using, not being able to handle something fast enough for the xibo client, and now producing the errors in 102 and not 101.

Just playing devils advocate on this - when would you want to do that, other than for debugging an issue??

I’ve recorded it as an improvement request, for future consideration. We’d need to work out the storage options with each start of the app, and send those to the CMS.

Yes, I think it is likely an operational change, rather than a code change. That being said, we’re happy to consider how we might be able to handle this situation better.

That would pretty much be the only time, except if someone on site doesn’t set it properly. It is more of a time saving and trouble shooting thing. Driving 20 miles to make a setting change is… a little frustrating as it eats time and money.[quote=“dan, post:10, topic:10277”]
Yes, I think it is likely an operational change, rather than a code change. That being said, we’re happy to consider how we might be able to handle this situation better.

I wish I could say how to handle it better, as of right now, we still have not been able to solve the problem. We also now have another one that cropped up where the videos that do play, after days show up green. Again this would I believe point to the device. We did change the surface view settings to on the displays settings to checked. We will monitor them and see what happens now. Failing that, we will also try playing with the “WebView Plugin State” setting.

Update… We are now looking at the possibility that heat may be the issue. The players are not crashing, but possible the video decoding is failing when the units get hot. Anyone know how to monitor an Android devices temp remotely?