Android player - VNC

Hi, we are in the testing phase of Xibo for Android.

Xibo itself meets our expectations, however, I will ask something on other issues, maybe someone had a similar problem. Looking for software on android to connect remotely to the device.

What I care about is:

  1. connecting without permission on the “client” side.
  2. connecting by IP address of the device
  3. the software starting up with the system boot.

I have already tested several softwares, but none meet the requirements. Do you have any hints? The android version is Android 11

Thanks in advance.

For points 1 and 2, you need to use a remote access software to control your device remotely. TeamViewer, WebKey, RustDesk etc. Those will give you remote access.

For point 3, Xibo does automatically start on boot. There is a delay of 60-90 seconds before it will automatically start up to allow the device to have network connection and for any SD cards, USB storage etc to be automatically mounted.

If your device runs Android TV, please make sure you’re running the latest v4 Player as earlier players will not automatically start on Android TV.

I use droidVNCServer for this.

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